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Showing 681-720 of 950 items.
Award NameFieldDescriptionRows: 
Kennedy Scholarships at Harvard and MITUnrestrictedThe Kennedy Memorial Trust invites applications for Kennedy Scholarships tenable at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Kennedy...

Nationality: United Kingdom

Host Countries: United States

American University KRSF Study For A Masters Degree In The UKUnrestrictedThe KRSF is able to provide full or partial scholarships for Masters degrees at universities around the UK

Nationality: Iraq, Jordan and Syria

Host Countries: United Kingdom

KTH India ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe KTH India Scholarship Foundation was established in 2012 through a donation made by an anonymous donor and awards two...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Sweden

KTH Joint Programme ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe KTH Joint Programme Scholarship is available for students participating in a joint programme and covers the tuition fee for...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Sweden

KTH One-Year ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe KTH One-Year Scholarship covers the tuition fee of the second year of studies at KTH. It is awarded to...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Sweden

The LasikPlus “My Vision” Essay Scholarship Contest UnrestrictedThe LasikPlus “My Vision” Essay Scholarship Contest (the “Essay Scholarship Contest”) is designed to offer scholarship opportunities to recognize outstanding college...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Latin American Master's ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Latin American Master's Scholarship offers 20% discount from the programme fee for applicants for any Master's programme that IBS...

Nationality: Brazil

Host Countries: Unrestricted

William Woods University Lead ProgramUnrestrictedThe LEAD (Leading, Educating, Achieving, Developing) Program is intended to encourage and acknowledge active student participation in university life beyond...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

LCU's ScholarshipsUnrestrictedThe Link Campus University has issued five scholarships for each major course (International Studies and Economics) The scholarships will be applied...

Nationality: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia...

Host Countries: Ashmore and Cartier

MA Biomedical and Health Care Ethics (Online) ScholarshipsUnrestrictedThe MA in Biomedical and Health Care Ethics offers a rigorous grounding in health care ethics and biomedical ethics, provided...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

MBA Fashion Business (Paris/Shanghai) ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe main objective of the MBA in Fashion Business at IFA Paris is to equip its postgraduate students with keys...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Making a Difference College ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Making a Difference College Scholarship provides five (5) $1,500 scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Making a Difference Community College ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Making a Difference Community College Scholarship provides five (5) $1,000 scholarships to undergraduate students who are enrolled in an...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

The Margarian Scholarship 2015UnrestrictedThe Margarian Law Firm is very proud to announce the Margarian Scholarship. The scholarship is designed to reward five...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Undergraduate & Associate Degree ProgramUnrestrictedThe Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation Undergraduate & Associate Degree Program provides need-based scholarships to children of U.S. Marines and Navy...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Maroon Global Excellence ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Maroon Global Excellence Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit—students selected for awards are among the best...

Nationality: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria...

Host Countries: United States

MSc in International BusinessUnrestrictedThe Master of Science in International Business is a 15 months, full English language program, designed for high-potential students with...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Mastercard Foundation Scholars ProgramUnrestrictedThe Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program aims to create a powerful network of youth and institutions that promote fair and inclusive...

Nationality: Algeria, Angola, Benin...

Host Countries: Unrestricted

MBA Luxury Brand Management (Istanbul/Paris) ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe matter at stake here is to understand if the structural changes faced by this prestigious industry push it to...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

McKendree University Show Choir ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe McKendree University Show Choir Program is constantly looking for new and fresh talent to join our team. We...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Wentworth Merit ScholarhipUnrestrictedThe Merit evaluation is determined by the Admissions Office and begins in mid-January. The scholarship may be renewed for...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Scholarship for Studying in Kazakhstani UniversitiesUnrestrictedThe Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan calls for foreign applicants, including persons of Kazakh nationality...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Kazakhstan

The Healthline Stronger Scholarship ProgramUnrestrictedThe mission of this scholarship is to support, guide, and inspire emerging leaders of tomorrow who can change the field...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Advice for Your Younger Self Study Abroad ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe MPOWER October scholarship is all about the essay! We’d love to hear the advice you would give to your...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Canada and United States

Multicultural Student Scholarship UnrestrictedThe Multicultural Scholarship (previously called the BSC Student of Color Scholarship) recognizes the value of inclusion and diversity that is...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

New Career Success ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe New Career Success Scholarship, a need-based scholarship, is designed to make college affordable for students that may otherwise not...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: United States

New England-China Scholarship ProgramUnrestrictedThe New England-China Scholarship Program provides the opportunity for New England students to spend up to one year abroad in...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: China

Unity College International Students Tuition Waiver UnrestrictedThe New International Student Tuition Waiver is a need aware & merit-based tuition waiver for new F-1 international students. All...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

NextGen ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe NextGen Scholarship Fund was created for international students and non-citizens who come to the United States with the hopes...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Special Caribbean Fellowships ProgramUnrestrictedThe OAS Academic Scholarship Program (Regular Program), established in 1958, grants scholarships every year for the pursuit of Master’s Degrees,...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

MBA Perfume & Cosmetics Management (Paris/Shanghai) ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe overarching strategy behind the development of this course is to encourage participants to adopt a creative approach that does...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Passion For Fashion ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Passion for Fashion Competition challenges people to create their own original design, fashion marketing, merchandising, or retail management plan....

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Canada and United States

Fellowship: BRIDGE Fellowship in GeorgiaUnrestrictedThe Peace Revolution Bridge Youth Fellowship will bring together 30 young people from Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia who...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Pharmica International Scholarship AwardUnrestrictedThe Pharmica International Scholarship Program is awarded annually to a student accepted to study at an accredited university, and who...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

The Admit PhD Prep FellowshipUnrestrictedThe PhD Prep Fellowship is a unique initiative by The Admit Lab. It is designed to support aspiring PhD candidates...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Pillars ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Pillars Scholarship program at Waldorf University provides students focused on academic, leadership, or service, opportunities for enrichment while pursuing...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Frank Knox Fellowships at Harvard UniversityUnrestrictedThe President and Fellows of Harvard College have announced that Fellowships provided by Mrs Annie Reid Knox for the Frank...

Nationality: United Kingdom

Host Countries: United States

In-state Tuition Scholarship at Minnesota State University MankatoUnrestrictedThe purpose of the Cultural Contribution In-State Tuition Scholarship is to award international students who achieve excellent academic performance and...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

University Of Wellington Victoria Doctoral ScholarshipsUnrestrictedThe purpose of this contribution is to provide them with an insight into the work undertaken by, and the expectations...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: New Zealand

Reach Cambridge Scholarship Essay CompetitionUnrestrictedThe Reach Cambridge scholarship essay competition is designed for academically excellent high school students aged between 15 and 17 who...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

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