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Showing 601-640 of 1,569 items.
Award NameFieldDescriptionRows: 
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Turning the Tide Masters ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is one of ten faculties at Stellenbosch University, which offers a range of...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

ExxonMobil Middle East And North Africa Scholars ProgramEngineering and FinanceThe ExxonMobil Middle East and North Africa Scholars Program is a scholarship program which provides select student leaders with a...

Nationality: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt...

Host Countries: United States

Scholarship for the Political Transformation WorkshopUnrestrictedThe European Academy of Diplomacy (EAD) is announced a Call for Applications for the 1st edition of the “Political Transformation...

Nationality: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia...

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Master Erasmus Mundus In European Literary Cultures-cleLanguages/Linguistics and HumanitiesThe ERASMUS MUNDUS PROGRAMME is a co-operation and mobility program in the field of higher education. It aims to promote...

Nationality: Italy

Host Countries: France, Greece and Italy

Stukent Entrepreneur of the Year ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Entrepreneur of the Year Scholarship will help students seeking a boost to quick start their new venture as an...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Advance your English in Denver - Spring ChallengeUnrestrictedThe English Language Center (ELC) at the University of Denver (DU) has prepared students for academic success in Bachelors, Masters,...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Einstein Fellowship 2019Architecture & Design, Biology/Life Sciences, Business/Management...The Einstein Forum and the Daimler and Benz Foundation are offering a fellowship for outstanding young thinkers who wish to...

Nationality: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria...

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Essay Writing Contest from EduLegitUnrestrictedThe EduLegit Essay Writing Contest invites students to demonstrate their writing talents in an exciting competition with a grand prize...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Win free online GMAT prep from The Economist GMAT TutorBusiness/Management and MathematicsThe Economist GMAT Tutor is the #1 online GMAT prep course. According to independent GMAT Club reviews, the average student...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Ens-internationalUnrestrictedThe Ecole normale supérieure aims at varying its students’ profiles and incorporates students to be enrolled in the 3rd year...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: France

Drone Technology College ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Drone Technology College Scholarship will be awarded to undergraduates studying at a U.S. college or university who have an...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

University of Bari PhD Studentship In Mathematics Reserved To Foreign Students MathematicsThe Doctoral Program in Mathematics is centered on an interdisciplinary perspective. The program covers seven main areas 1. Analysis;...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Italy

David Oyedepo Foundation Special Scholarship Award for RefugeesUnrestrictedThe David Oyedepo Foundation Special scholarship program for Refugees is one of our major platforms for promoting the Foundation’s vision...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Nigeria

DashTickets Foundation Undergraduate Merit Awards A.Y. 2024-25UnrestrictedThe DashTickets merit awards are a competitive awards to partially or fully cover the educational expenses for an undergraduate student....

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Albania, Algeria, Andorra...

Critical Language Scholarship ProgramUnrestrictedThe Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a fully-funded overseas language and cultural immersion program for American undergraduate and graduate...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: Azerbaijan, China, India...

Roy W. Dean Los Angeles Video GrantArts, Visual & Performing and Film/Motion PictureThe criterion for the grant is to produce a documentary, or short film that inspires and benefits society.

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Count Folke Bernadotte Memorial ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Count Folke Bernadotte Memorial Scholarship is intended to help cover partial tuition costs at Gustavus.

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

$10,000 Certificate Program in Music Performance ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Cornel School of Contemporary Music (Los Angeles, CA )is excited to announce a special scholarship opportunity for the Certificate...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Copernicus Center Scholarship for Postdoctoral Researchers(Mind and Normativity)Biology/Life Sciences, Philosophy & Religion and PsychologyThe Copernicus Center Scholarship for Postdoctoral Researchers, funded by The John Templeton Foundation, is offered to individuals who hold a...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Poland

Copernicus Center Scholarship for Postdoc Researchers (Philosophy and Theology)Cultural Studies, Philosophy & Religion, Political Science/Social Science...The Copernicus Center Scholarship for Postdoctoral Researchers, funded by The John Templeton Foundation, is offered to individuals who hold a...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Poland

Copernicus Center Scholarship, Postdoctoral Researchers(Physics and Cosmology)Mathematics and Physical SciencesThe Copernicus Center Scholarship for Postdoctoral Researchers, funded by The John Templeton Foundation, is offered to researchers in the fields of:...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Poland

Copernicus Center Scholarship for Postdoc Researchers (Limits of Explanation)Biology/Life Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy & Religion...The Copernicus Center Scholarship for Postdoctoral Researchers, funded by The John Templeton Foundation, is offered to individuals who hold a...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Poland

Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange For Young ProfessionalsAgriculture, Finance and International RelationsThe Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals is a scholarship program with a strong focus on cultural exchange. It is...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: Germany and United States

SIT The Compton FundUnrestrictedThe Compton Fund was established to provide scholarships to undergraduate students participating in SIT programs with environmental, peace studies, or...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

MIT Portugal Program: M.SC. In Complex Transportation Infrastructure SystemsEngineering and FinanceThe Complex Transport Infrastructure Systems (CTIS) program is unique, bringing together the tradition and rigor of a Master in Engineering...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Portugal

Belgium Fulbright AwardsUnrestrictedThe Commission for Educational Exchange offers approximately 35 scholarships annually for study, teaching and research in the United States at...

Nationality: Belgium

Host Countries: United States

$1500 College Monk Short Essay ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe College Monk $1500 short essay scholarship is an essay required scholarship with no GPA requirements. The purpose of the...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States and United States Minor Outlying Islands

College JumpStart Love of Learning ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe College JumpStart Love of Learning Scholarship is an annual, merit-based competition -- financial need is not considered -- that...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Club 21 ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Club 21 Scholarship was established in 2012 in celebration of Club 21's 40th Anniversary. It is a bond-free merit...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Civil Society Leadership Award - ChinaCommunications, Law & Legal Studies and JournalismThe Civil Society Leadership Award provides fully-funded master’s degree study to individuals who clearly demonstrate academic and professional excellence and...

Nationality: China

Host Countries: Hong Kong (SAR), United Kingdom and United States

The Charlotte Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Religion and EthicsCultural Studies, English Literature, Theology and Religious Studies...The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships are designed to encourage original and significant study of ethical or religious values...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Giorgio Rota Best Paper AwardUnrestrictedThe Centro Einaudi with the support of Fondazione CRT launches the Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award. Young researchers are invited...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

6th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award -The Economics of Health and Medical CareArchitecture & Design, Business/Management, Cultural Studies...The Centro Einaudi with the support of Fondazione CRT launches the 6th edition of the Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award....

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

4th Giorgio Rota Best Paper AwardArchitecture & Design, Business/Management, Law & Legal Studies...The Centro Einaudi with the support of Fondazione CRT launches the 4th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award. Young researchers are...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

CAPE Scholarship for Truman State ApplicantsUnrestrictedThe Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Exam is designed to provide certification to students in the Caribbean who wish to further their...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted Recycling ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Scholarship is available to students between the ages 13 and 25. To be considered, you must participate in...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Post-doctoral Fellowship - Child-Mother HealthHealth Professions, Psychology and MedicineThe candidate will be responsible for coordinating the necessary activities to carry out the intervention and the follow-up of the...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Brazil

Bright!Tax Global Scholar InitiativeUnrestrictedThe Bright!Tax Global Scholar Initiative offers supplemental fees support to young Americans who are currently studying or who would like...

Nationality: United States and United States Minor Outlying Islands

Host Countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria...

Axillary Sentinel Lymph Node DissectionMedicineThe Breast Disease Research Center offers a one week training program for two participating surgeons about axillary sentinel lymph node...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Iran

Bonner Leader Program UnrestrictedThe Bonner Leader Program is a leadership development program for students who are committed to community and civic engagement. This...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

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