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Showing 321-360 of 916 items.
Award NameFieldDescriptionRows: 
Delta Waterfowl And Wetlands Research Station Summer Field AssistantshipsUnrestrictedTo support undergraduate students to work as field assistants with graduate students.

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Canada

Denmark Scholarship OpportunityUnrestrictedMoneezy has a scholarship for international students who do an exchange semester at any university in Denmark or enroll in...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Denmark

Denmark-America Foundation GrantUnrestrictedTo encourage educational exchange between Denmark and the US and broaden understanding between the two countries.

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: Denmark

Depan International Freshman Student ScholarshipUnrestrictedAwarded annually over eight consecutive semesters. Eligibility criteria will include: Outstanding academic achievement; 3.0 minimum GPA; English proficiency required for...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Digital Marketing ScholarshipUnrestrictedPearl Lemon was founded by Deepak Shukla, someone whose been able to get a great education as a consequence of...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Digital Privacy ScholarshipUnrestrictedThis scholarship helps students understand why they should be cautious about what they post on the Internet. Who may enter: High...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Digital Success Scholarship ProgramUnrestrictedDigital Success, is offering a scholarship for local students. This scholarship is merit-based, requires an essay submission, and the winning applicant...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Direct Textbook Photo Essay ContestUnrestrictedDirect Textbook Photo Essay Contest Award amounts: Two $500 Scholarships: Photos selected by Direct Textbook Two $500 Scholarships: Photos with the most...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States "Focus" Photo Essay ContestUnrestrictedDescription: Submit your original photo that captures the essence of what the theme "Focus" means to you. Applications will no...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted "Shine" Photo Essay ContestUnrestrictedSubmit your original photo that captures the essence of what the theme "Shine" means to you. Applications will no longer...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted "Transcend" Photo Essay "Transcend" Photo Essay Scholarship Contest Award amounts: Two $500 Scholarships: Photos selected by Direct Textbook Two $500 Scholarships: Photos with the...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted 2016 High School Senior Scholarship Essay ContestUnrestrictedAward amount: $3000 to first place, $1000 to second place, $500 to third place Application deadline date: May 4th, 2016 Awards...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States 2017 Haiku Scholarship 2017 Haiku Scholarship Contest Award amounts: Two $500 Scholarships: Haikus selected by Direct Textbook Two $500 Scholarships: Haikus with the most...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted 2017 High School Senior Scholarship Essay 2017 High School Senior Scholarship Essay Contest In 500 words or less write a response to a friend that...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted 2018 High School Senior Scholarship Essay 2018 High School Senior Scholarship Essay Contest Award amount: $3000 to first place $1000 to second place $500 to third place Awards...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted Haiku Scholarship Haiku Scholarship Contest Award amounts: Two $500 Scholarships: Haikus selected by Direct Textbook Two $500 Scholarships: Haikus with the most...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Dissertation Fellowship For Research Related To Education from the Spencer FoundUnrestrictedTo support the final stages and write-up period of the doctoral dissertation, and to encourage talented young researchers to pursue...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Dissertation Fellowships from the Harry Frank Guggenheim FoundationUnrestrictedIn addition to the foundation’s program of support for postdoctoral research, ten or more dissertation fellowships are awarded each year to...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Dissertation Fellowships On Peace And Security In The Changing WorldUnrestrictedTo support innovative and interdisciplinary research on the implications for peace and security issues of worldwide cultural, social, economic, military...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

DO Supply Academic ScholarshipUnrestrictedDO Supply, Inc. is offering a scholarship award to the student who best demonstrates his/her passion for small business in...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Don't Text and Drive ScholarshipUnrestrictedThis scholarship helps students understand the risks of texting while driving. Who may enter: High school freshmen, sophomores, juniors or seniors;...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: Unrestricted

DontPayFull - Scholarships for College StudentsUnrestrictedOur objective is to help people save money, providing them with the best deals and discount coupons for online shopping. Now,...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States and United States Minor Outlying Islands

Dr. Alice E. Wilson Award(s)UnrestrictedFor graduate studies in any field, with special consideration given to candidates returning to study after at least three years.

Nationality: Canada

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Dr. Marion Elder Grant FellowshipUnrestrictedCandidate must be studying full-time at the doctoral level, in Canada or abroad. All else being equal, preference will...

Nationality: Canada

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Dr. Walter Leibrecht AwardUnrestricted30 one-third tuition awards for one or two semesters for new students who enroll at a Schiller International University-European campus

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: France, Germany, Spain...

Drake University Presidential Community College ScholarshipsUnrestrictedTo recognize outstanding academic performance of community college transfer students

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Drone Technology College ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Drone Technology College Scholarship will be awarded to undergraduates studying at a U.S. college or university who have an...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Dubois-madela-rodney Fellowship ProgramUnrestrictedTo support scholars of high ability engaged in postdoctoral work on the Afro-American, African and Caribbean experiences of men and...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Duquesne University Scholarships and Assistantships UnrestrictedTo reward academic excellence

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

E-Waste ScholarshipUnrestrictedThis scholarship helps students understand the impact of e-waste and what can be done to reduce e-waste. Who may enter: High...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Earthwatch Field Research GrantsUnrestrictedTo support field research in the life, physical, social sciences and humanities

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Eastern Illinois University International Student ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe International Student Scholarship was established by the Board of Trustees to assist students from other countries to attend EIU....

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Eden Travelling Fellowship In Obstetrics And GynecologyUnrestrictedIts purpose is to enable the holder to visit, for a specified period of time, another department(s) of obstetrics and...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Educational Testing Service Postdoctoral Fellowship ProgramUnrestrictedAward for individuals with a doctorate in a relevant discipline.

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Emgip-bundestag InternshipUnrestrictedInternships at the German government.

Nationality: Canada and United States

Host Countries: Germany

Emiritus FellowshipsUnrestrictedTo help in the completion and preparation for publication of the results of research already begun by persons with an...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: United Kingdom $1,000 Player Award - Internships the game is offering a $1,000 college scholarship to one lucky player! No matter what your field of study or...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Energy Minerals Grant-In-AidUnrestrictedOne-time grant for graduate student research in geology related to the occurrence and production of earth materials except conventional oil...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Ens-internationalUnrestrictedThe Ecole normale supérieure aims at varying its students’ profiles and incorporates students to be enrolled in the 3rd year...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: France

Entente Cordiale ScholarshipsUnrestrictedEntente Cordiale scholarships are awarded to outstanding U.K. and French post-graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral students - all subjects - to...

Nationality: France

Host Countries: France

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