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Showing 521-560 of 1,569 items.
Award NameFieldDescriptionRows: 
Maroon Global Excellence ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Maroon Global Excellence Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit—students selected for awards are among the best...

Nationality: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria...

Host Countries: United States

Undergraduate & Associate Degree ProgramUnrestrictedThe Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation Undergraduate & Associate Degree Program provides need-based scholarships to children of U.S. Marines and Navy...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

The Margarian Scholarship 2015UnrestrictedThe Margarian Law Firm is very proud to announce the Margarian Scholarship. The scholarship is designed to reward five...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Making a Difference Community College ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Making a Difference Community College Scholarship provides five (5) $1,000 scholarships to undergraduate students who are enrolled in an...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Making a Difference College ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Making a Difference College Scholarship provides five (5) $1,500 scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Central Valley Community Scholarship Program - Maison Law Law & Legal StudiesThe Maison Law Central Valley Community Scholarship is available to high school seniors who reside in the central valley (and...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

MBA Fashion Business (Paris/Shanghai) ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe main objective of the MBA in Fashion Business at IFA Paris is to equip its postgraduate students with keys...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

MA Biomedical and Health Care Ethics (Online) ScholarshipsUnrestrictedThe MA in Biomedical and Health Care Ethics offers a rigorous grounding in health care ethics and biomedical ethics, provided...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

LCU's ScholarshipsUnrestrictedThe Link Campus University has issued five scholarships for each major course (International Studies and Economics) The scholarships will be applied...

Nationality: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia...

Host Countries: Ashmore and Cartier

Lemmermann Foundation Fellowship Award for Research in Rome, ItalyArchitecture & Design, Cultural Studies, Other...The Lemmermann Foundation offers scholarships in the classical studies and humanities to master's and doctoral students. Fields of study include...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

MIT Portugal Program: Leaders For Technical Industries (doctoral Program In EngiEngineeringThe Leaders for Technical Industries program will train a new generation of leaders for companies with a technological profile, and...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Portugal

William Woods University Lead ProgramUnrestrictedThe LEAD (Leading, Educating, Achieving, Developing) Program is intended to encourage and acknowledge active student participation in university life beyond...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Latin American Master's ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Latin American Master's Scholarship offers 20% discount from the programme fee for applicants for any Master's programme that IBS...

Nationality: Brazil

Host Countries: Unrestricted

The LasikPlus “My Vision” Essay Scholarship Contest UnrestrictedThe LasikPlus “My Vision” Essay Scholarship Contest (the “Essay Scholarship Contest”) is designed to offer scholarship opportunities to recognize outstanding college...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Lady Mollie Askin Ballet Travelling ScholarshipArts, Visual & PerformingThe Lady Mollie Askin Ballet Travelling Scholarship provides support for ballet artists to help them further their cultural education. ...

Nationality: Australia

Host Countries: Australia

KTH One-Year ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe KTH One-Year Scholarship covers the tuition fee of the second year of studies at KTH. It is awarded to...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Sweden

KTH Joint Programme ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe KTH Joint Programme Scholarship is available for students participating in a joint programme and covers the tuition fee for...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Sweden

KTH India ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe KTH India Scholarship Foundation was established in 2012 through a donation made by an anonymous donor and awards two...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Sweden

American University KRSF Study For A Masters Degree In The UKUnrestrictedThe KRSF is able to provide full or partial scholarships for Masters degrees at universities around the UK

Nationality: Iraq, Jordan and Syria

Host Countries: United Kingdom

Adenauer Fellowship for Media and Communications Communications, Creative Writing and JournalismThe Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Media Programme Asia has established the Adenauer Fellowship for Media & Communication in Asia. With...

Nationality: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan...

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Kenza Foundation ScholarshipsArts, Visual & Performing and HistoryThe Kenza Foundation is supporting students studying Arts and History of Art at prestigious universities in Paris. Scholarship for each...

Nationality: France

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Bourse Fondation KenzaArts, Visual & PerformingThe Kenza Foundation is supporting every year the studies abroad of two students in Arts and History of Art from...

Nationality: France

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Kennedy Scholarships at Harvard and MITUnrestrictedThe Kennedy Memorial Trust invites applications for Kennedy Scholarships tenable at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Kennedy...

Nationality: United Kingdom

Host Countries: United States

Keith Williams Law Group Semi Annual ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Keith Williams Law Group Semi-Annual Scholarship seeks to help students who have fought through adversity in their lives in...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Japan-IMF Scholarship ProgramEconomicsThe Japan-IMF Scholarship Program is awarded to Japanese nationals currently pursuing or intending to pursue a PhD in Economics at...

Nationality: Japan

Host Countries: Unrestricted

IOE Fulbright Postgraduate Student AwardEducation, Mathematics, International Education...The IOE-Fulbright award is an exceptionally prestigious distinction, and attracts a world-class field of candidates. The scholarship is open...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: United Kingdom

IOE-Conicyt ChileEducationThe IOE and Conicyt Chile offer jointly-funded scholarships for masters degrees in education.

Nationality: Chile

Host Countries: Unrestricted

International Women in Media ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe International Women in Media Scholarship was established by Everipedia, Inc. in 2017. It aims to increase awareness of women...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

IWC Masters ScholarshipsUnrestrictedThe International WaterCentre (IWC) offers scholarships to a small number of excellent candidates who are accepted into the IWC Master...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Australia

International WaterCentre Masters ScholarshipsEngineering and Sustainable DevelopmentThe International WaterCentre (IWC) is offering several full scholarships for future water leaders interested in studying the Master of Integrated...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Australia

International Student ScholarshipsBusiness/Management, Communications, Computer & Information Systems...The International Student Scholarships are available with a possible award of up to $5,000 per year for undergraduate students. The...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Eastern Illinois University International Student ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe International Student Scholarship was established by the Board of Trustees to assist students from other countries to attend EIU....

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

International Lhoist Berghmans Master ScholarshipEngineeringThe International Lhoist Berghmans Master Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship meant to attract bright engineering students from all over the...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Belgium

SUNY University Of Buffalo The International Freshman ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe International Freshman Scholarship for undergraduate Freshmen who hold (or will be holding) an F1 visa. Students must apply...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

MENTAL HEALTH: TEEN CHANGEMAKERS ESSAY CONTESTUnrestrictedThe International Bipolar Foundation Annual High School Essay Contest is open to all high school students, ages 13 to 19....

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

HIV and Drug Use Research Fellowship UnrestrictedThe International AIDS Society (IAS), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and the French National Agency for Research on...

Nationality: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria...

Host Countries: Unrestricted

International Academic Achievement ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe International Academic Achievement Scholarship recognizes the strong academic achievement of international students by awarding those admitted to Ohio Dominican...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Christianson GrantUnrestrictedThe InterExchange Foundation Christianson Grant provides awards up to $10,000 to motivated young Americans who create and carry out their...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Clinical FellowshipsMedicine and Health SciencesThe intent of this award is to encourage specialized training early in a physicians career and to prepare candidates for...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

ID Graduate Design FellowshipUnrestrictedThe Institute of Design awards a small number of competitive fellowships each year to outstanding applicants seeking a Master of...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

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