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Showing 121-160 of 916 items.
Award NameFieldDescriptionRows: 
Walailak University (Thailand) Full and Partial Tuition Fee Waiver ScholarshipsBusiness/Management, Computer & Information Systems, Law & Legal Studies and AccountingWalailak University International College (Thailand) is pleased to announce that applications for excellence scholarships are now open. We offer Full...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Thailand

Walailak University Tuition Fee Waiver Scholarships for Undergraduate StudentsBusiness/Management, Computer & Information Systems, Law & Legal Studies and Transportation/LogisticsWalailak University International College is pleased to open admissions for the next semester and to award Full and Partial Tuition Fee...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Thailand

Western Caspian University Full and Merit Based ScholarshipsBusiness/Management, Computer & Information Systems, Engineering...Western Caspian University announces the Full and Merit-Based Scholarships for distinguished international applicants who wish to pursue bachelor’s, master’s and...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Azerbaijan

Western Union Foundation Global Scholarship ProgramBiology/Life Sciences, Business/Management, Computer & Information Systems...The Western Union Foundation Global Scholarship Program (WU Scholars) is a program designed to support young people across the world...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Women in Business Equal PayBusiness/Management, Computer & Information Systems, Marketing and EconomicsEqual Pay Day is when women symbolically start to work for free. Women are 51% of the world's population, so...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria...

Women in Technology ScholarshipComputer & Information Systems, Engineering, Mathematics...BlackRock and CEU will award scholarships to women who show passion for data analysis, programming and technology, and great potential...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Hungary

WUIC EXCELLENCE TUITION FEE WAIVER SCHOLARSHIPS FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTSBusiness/Management, Computer & Information Systems, Law & Legal Studies...Study on a scholarship in Thailand, beginning August 2020! WUIC EXCELLENCE TUITION FEE WAIVER SCHOLARSHIPS FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS Looking to study on...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Thailand

$3000 E-Commerce Research Scholarship UnrestrictedSince its conception in 1991, electronic commerce, or e-commerce, has made revolutionary changes in the way people do business transactions....

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

$3000 E-Commerce Research Scholarship 2019UnrestrictedCollege is a big step forward in achieving student’s goals and we would like to be a part of the...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

American Assn. Of University Women--international FellowshipsUnrestrictedInternational Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

COUPONBIRDS "HELP TO SAVE" SCHOLARSHIPUnrestrictedTo assist students in reducing their tuition fee burden and collect their smart ways of saving money, couponbirds starts the...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

EditnPublish ScholarshipUnrestrictedWe are happy to announce that EditnPublish will award one college student with a $500 scholarship. The scholarship will be...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: United States

ZUKOnnect Fellowships for Scholars from Africa, Asia and Latin AmericaUnrestrictedOVERVIEW The Zukunftskolleg Konnect Fellowships support early career researchers from Africa, Asia and Latin America, who do research that fits to...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

"Go Ennounce Yourself" Monthly ScholarshipUnrestrictedNot Essay or GPA based Fun & Easy to Win MONTHLY Share your educational goals and show us what you are passionate...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

$1,000 Scholarship for High and Middle School Students in the USAUnrestrictedWe decided to establish a $1,000 annual scholarship to help University students across the country, who are struggling financially. The...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

$1,500 Essay Writing provides $1500 in awards annually for talented students who demonstrate mastery of essay writing. Prizes5 will be awarded to...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

$1,500 Semi-Annual Video Contest Scholarship for StudentsUnrestrictedTons of work, misunderstandings with teachers, zero time for yourself… Students experience these and many other issues every day. Are...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

$1,500 Video Contest Scholarship for Students Who Enjoy WritingUnrestrictedIf you love expressing yourself creatively by writing stories or making videos for the world to see—tell us about it! Here...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

$10,000 Certificate Program in Music Performance ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe Cornel School of Contemporary Music (Los Angeles, CA )is excited to announce a special scholarship opportunity for the Certificate...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

$10,000 Create Valentines for Older Adults ScholarshipUnrestrictedCreate handmade Valentine’s Day cards to show an older adult you care and you’ll be entered for a chance to...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: United States

$10,000 Help the Homeless is giving away a $10K scholarship to a young person who donates gently used jeans for homeless youth in...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: United States

$10,000 Teach Seniors Technology ScholarshipUnrestrictedGet this: 40% of seniors don't use the Internet. At all. This can leave them disconnected from loved ones and...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: United States

$10,000 Upvote Scholarship UnrestrictedRegister and apply for the scholarship then do a post on any channel. You need to get others to upvote...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

$1000 Autumn Scholarship from Homework LabUnrestrictedPlease, make sure to send us the following information in your email along with your application essay: Full name Country of residence University Study...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

$1000 Reviews For Save ScholarshipUnrestrictedTo help cover part of student’s tuition fees, Reviews For Save – a website which offers the latest coupons and...

Nationality: World

Host Countries: World

$1000 Scholarship in Support of Those Under the Revised US Travel BanUnrestrictedWe at Market Inspector, are a multicultural team of digital marketing enthusiasts, many of which have left their country of...

Nationality: Iran, Libya, Somalia...

Host Countries: United Kingdom and United States

$1500 College Monk Short Essay ScholarshipUnrestrictedThe College Monk $1500 short essay scholarship is an essay required scholarship with no GPA requirements. The purpose of the...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States and United States Minor Outlying Islands

$3000 WEAR & I Fashion Pioneer ScholarshipUnrestrictedWEAR & I is passionate about fashion and would like to help you pay part of your tuition fees or...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Canada and United States

$3K Run a Bake Sale for Refugees ScholarshipUnrestrictedDo you care about the youngest victims of the Syrian conflict? is giving away a $3K scholarship to a young...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: United States

1000 Dollar Scholarship by AICA Orthopedics UnrestrictedHaving treated over 100,000 patients and accident victims, AICA Orthopedics is proud to offer a $1000 scholarship in the Spring. AICA...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

15-Minute MindSumo Mini-ScholarshipsUnrestrictedMindSumo partners with Fortune 500 companies to create business and engineering "challenges" for students to solve. We are now using...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

1989 Ecole Polytechnique Commemorative AwardUnrestrictedFor graduate studies in any field. Candidate must justify the relevance of her work to women.

Nationality: Canada

Host Countries: Unrestricted

2018 PDFelement $1000 ScholarshipUnrestrictedPDFelement is a PDF editing software that provides business solutions for universities, non-profit organizations, government entities, and small to mid-sized...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

3D Printing Student GrantUnrestrictedShow us how you used 3D printing to realize your innovative engineering or design project. We’re looking for inventors, entrepreneurs and...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

9th GIORGIO ROTA Best Paper AwardUnrestricted9th Centro Einaudi GR Best Paper Award with the support of Fondazione CRT Young researchers are invited to participate...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

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