National Security Education Program David L. Boren Undergraduate Scholarships

Sponsor: U.S. Department of Defense

Submission Deadline

February 8

Field(s) of Study


Award Amount

$20,000 USD


Boren Scholarships, an initiative of the National Security Education Program, provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. undergraduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests, and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. The countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded. Boren Scholars represent a vital pool of highly motivated individuals who wish to work in the federal national security arena. In exchange for funding, Boren Scholars commit to working in the federal government for at least one year after graduation.

Other Criteria

Maximum scholarship awards are: $8,000 for a summer program (special initiative for STEM students only; 8 weeks minimum) $10,000 for a semester $20,000 for a 6 - 12 months

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More Award Details

Number of Awards130 to 160
Host Institution
IncludesTuition, room and board, round-trip international airfare, books, insurance, and local transportation.
Nationality RequiredAmerican
Host CountriesUnrestricted
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