Global Student

Sponsor: StudySoup

Submission Deadline

December 31st

Field(s) of Study


Award Amount



Every year, thousands of international students look to pursue a higher education in the U.S. But for many, this dream remains out of reach due to the massive costs of attending an American university. And unfortunately, international students often face limited options when it comes to funding their degree. To help ease this financial burden, StudySoup is offering a $1,000 to one international student planning to attend an American University for a minimum of 10 months.

Other Criteria

Any non-U.S. individual at least eighteen (18) years old who meets one of the following criteria: Currently attending high school (or equivalent) and will be attending an accredited American university or college in the next academic year. Currently attending an accredited American university or college (undergraduate and graduate students are both eligible)

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More Award Details

Number of Awards1
Host Institution
Nationality RequiredUnrestricted
Host CountriesUnrestricted
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