Fulbright Irish FLTA Award

Sponsor: Fulbright Commission

Submission Deadline

Application Period for 2016-2017 Awards opens Aug 2015

Field(s) of Study


Award Amount



The Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistantship (FLTA) Awards are non-degree grants for Irish citizens or E.U. citizens resident in the Republic of Ireland for three or more years with fluent Irish, to teach Irish and enrol on courses at a college in United States over a ten month period. The FLTA Awards are sponsored by the Department of Arts, Heritage & the Gaeltacht and the National Lottery.

Other Criteria

Fulbright FLTA applicants must have a postgraduate degree or diploma with a minimum 2.1 (consideration will be given to those with a 2.2 in their primary degree if they have achieved excellence in a postgraduate degree; consideration will also be given to those with just a primary degree but excellent teaching experience); be an Irish citizen or E.U. citizen living in the Republic of Ireland for three or more years; not be a dual U.S.-Irish citizen, green card holder, or currently living in the U.S.; not already have extensive experience of studying or living in the U.S. In addition, applicants must demonstrate academic and personal excellence, fluency in the Irish language, an ability to teach the Irish language, strong leadership skills or potential, an understanding and commitment to the ethos of being a Fulbright.

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More Award Details

Number of AwardsVaried
IncludesFLTA Awards comprise a monetary award to support travel, living and related expenses in the U.S.; Tuition and fees for four courses in the U.S.; Accident and emergency insurance; J-1 visa administration; Cultural / orientation programming. FLTAs are required to attend a pre-departure orientation in Ireland and a U.S.-based orientation during the summer of 2015 before arriving at their host institutions. FLTAs are also required to attend a mid-year enrichment conference in the United States; a requirement to submit reports; and J-1 visa administration. Awardees MUST comply with THE TWO-YEAR HOME-COUNTRY RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT associated with the J-1 visa. Awardees will not be eligible for a U.S. residency or work visa until they have fulfilled the J-1 visa two-year home residency requirement.
Nationality RequiredIrish
Host CountriesUnited States
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