Study of borate glass crystallization fellowship

Sponsor: Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII)

Submission Deadline

Field(s) of Study

Chemistry, Physics and Science

Award Amount



Highly motivated candidates are invited to apply for a position within a postdoctoral program that integrates physics, chemistry and materials science. Purpose and overview: The work will be focused on the study of borate glass crystallization by X-Ray Difrraction, energy storage and optical properties of glass and glass ceramics In this Project novel borate glass ceramics will be developed and using X Ray Diffraction the crystalline fraction will be determined. The Institution is a new thriving Centre developed by Universidad de la República, constructed in 2012, located at 200 km from Montevideo, the Capital of the Country. Qualifications Required: • PhD in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering or closely related field, must have completed all degree requirements before starting their appointment, and be within six years of receiving Doctorate • Demonstrated experience with use of Difrraction Tecnhique • Ability to communicate in English, Spanish or Portuguese • Motivated and safety conscious and possess excellent interpersonal and oral and written communication skills • Strong record of productive and creative research demonstrated by publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at scientific conferences. • Capable of innovative research with minimal supervision and the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment and interact effectively with a broad range of colleagues • Work with staff and contribute to the production of research proposals QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED: • Background in solid-state and condensed matter physics, and labview experience For more information, please contact Prof. Laura Fornaro, For scholarship application, please visit:

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More Award Details

Number of Awards1
Host InstitutionUniversidad de la República-CURE
IncludesRound Air Ticket and 2000usd per month as salary
Nationality RequiredUnrestricted
Host CountriesUnrestricted
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