Financial Aid Newsletter

June - Issue #15

Welcome to the Financial Aid Newsletter for International and Study Abroad Students brought to you by, and

We hope that you are safe and well. At IEFA, and we believe firmly in the power of education and opening opportunities to all - no matter where they are from, which is why we bring you this monthly email with our best links and resources.

In this issue we talk about planning ahead for your finances in fall, which is closer than you think, we share an exciting opportunity for business students in Australia, Singapore or United Arab Emirates, we answer your questions about International Student Loans - and repayments in particular, and we invite you to join IEFA on Instagram to share your experiences of international education.

The International Financial Aid Team


Plan Now for the Fall

As we edge towards the end of the academic year, it may seem like fall is a long way off. However, if you’re going to need additional funding for the next academic year, getting that ball rolling now will give you one less thing to worry about - so you can enjoy your summer a little bit more.

Global Business Diversity Scholarship

Even during these times of global uncertainty schools and companies are still betting on the future - and knowing that international education is a huge part of that. Just take a look at the Global Business Diversity Scholarship available for international students to study business-related courses in Australia, Singapore or United Arab Emirates.

Do You Have Questions About Loan Repayment?

In case you missed it, here’s another chance to read International Student Loan’s recent blog post on the topic - including measures lenders have put in place during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

General Questions About International Loans?

Do you have questions on international student loans like who qualifies and what they cover? Fear not, as International Student Loan answers all the most common questions over on their FAQ page! Make a list of your questions then read on to find the answers.

Share your International Experience

Whether you’re already studying abroad or you’re planning ahead, share your experience of international education on Instagram using the hashtag #iefaorg and follow us for the latest information on scholarships for international students around the world.