The Future of Bariatric Surgery Scholarship

Sponsor: Bariatric Surgery Source

Submission Deadline

January 1 & July 1 each year

Field(s) of Study

Health and Physical Education and Medicine

Award Amount



Bariatric Surgery Source created The Future of Bariatric Surgery Scholarship to: - Increase awareness of the life-changing and potentially society-changing benefits of weight loss surgery - Encourage bright, motivated students to enter and influence the direction of the bariatric field More than one out of every three people in the U.S. are considered obese, which is taking a massive toll on the health and quality of life for people with obesity and on the nation’s healthcare costs. The increasingly popular gastric sleeve, along with several other widely accepted types of bariatric surgery, dramatically improve and often cure many serious health conditions for people with morbid obesity, including diabetes, asthma, cardiac conditions, sleep apnea, and many others. Within 2 years after surgery, weight loss surgery also reduces total healthcare costs by about $11,000 per year, per patient.

Other Criteria

Students of any age are eligible to apply as long as they are currently majoring in any medically-related degree or attending any medically-related certification program. To apply, students must complete an online application and submit a minimum 2,000-word essay describing how the field of bariatric surgery will evolve over the next 5 years. Additional details can be found on The Future of Bariatric Surgery Scholarship web page.

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More Award Details

Number of Awards2 per year
Host Institution
IncludesTo increase awareness and encourage new activity and insight into the field, Bariatric Surgery Source is pleased to offer a bi-annual (January and July) $1,000 college scholarship (totaling $2,000 per year).
Nationality RequiredUnrestricted
Host CountriesUnited States
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